A.    The concept of Paragraph
1.      Definition of paragraph
          Paragraph is a group of related statements that a writer develops     about a subject  or it is a collection of sentences deal with one subject. The first sentence states the specific point, or idea of the topic. The rest of the sentence in the paragraph support that point.An effective paragraph consists of a topic sentences, sentences that support this topic ( the body of paragraph), and a conclusion. When there is new topic, the writers have to a new paragraph. Each paragraph should tell the reader about one subject, and should leave them with a good idea of what ever the writer is talking about.[1]
          Each sentence in a paragraph says something about the topic. The main idea of a paragraph is one sentence which tells what all of the sentence say about the topic. Every paragraph has a main idea. It is like a summary of the information in the paragraph.[2]
a.       The three parts of a paragraph
1)      The topic sentence
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It  briefly indicates what the paragraph is going to discuss. For this reason, the topic sentences is a help ful guide to both the writer and the reader.
2)      Supporting sentence
sopporting sentences develop. That is, they explain or prove the topic sentence by giving more information about it.
3)       The conclusion of sentence
the conclusion sentence signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with important point to remember :
“ in conclusion, gold is treasured not only for is beauty but also for its utility”.Concluding sentence are customary for stand-alone paragraph.[3] 
b.      Kinds of writing paragraph
1)      Description
Description writing appeals to the sense, so it tells how something  looks, fells, smells, tasters, and sounds. A good description is like a " word picture “, the reader can image the object, place or person in his mind.
2)      Argumentation ( opinion )
Argumentation is to convince or persuade someone that’s something is true or should be done or case.
3)      Narration
Narration is story writing about events in the order that they happened, actual and imaginative to entertain or amuse and to deal with vicarious experiences.
4)      Exposition
Exposition is how to explain something is made, done, or how to do something ( ways, methods, and procedures ).[4]

c.  Characteristics of the paragraph
The characteristics of the paragraph are :
1)      Every paragraph containts the meaning, messages, thoughts or ideas that are relevant principal with the idea of an aggregate principal essay.
2)      In general, a paragraph was built by a number of sentences.
3)      Paragraph is an expression of unity of mind.
4)      Paragraph is coherent and unified entity.
5)      Sentence in paragraph are arranged logically and systematically.
d.      The  function of paragraph
1)      Paragraph serves as a reservoir of a small line of thought or idea of an aggregate principal essay.
2)      Paragraph easier way of thinking or understanding the main idea the author. Writing a well-planned paragraph is always logical and systematic. A well-structured paragraph is a tool for authors and readers.
3)      Paragraph allows the author gave birth to her thoughts in a systematic way. For the readers, the sentences that were systematically arranged them very easy to navigate and understand yhe author’s mind.
4)      Paragraph directs the reader in following the author’s train of thought and understanding.
5)      Paragraph is a messenger tool fragments or pieces of mind.
6)      Paragraph is a marker of new thoughts began to take place.[5]
In paragraph there are things that should be avoided as follow :
a)      Paragraph should not be too long.
   Paragraph is concentration of mind. Paragrphs that are too long Can cause loss of concentration when the reader thinks the author follow the path outlined in the essay.
b)      Senteces paragraphs should avoid discordant.
Discordant sentences are sentences that have nothing to do with the core problems in paragraph.Discordant senteces  in a paragraph nothing transforms a loose inserts the word context.With a sentences of tune,harmony and unity of the paragraph becomes damage contents suddenly disapeared.
c)      Paragraph should not be more than one topic sentences.
A good paragraph topic sentence contains only one has two advantages that speech becomes more focused and paragraphs into not too long.[6]
B.      The concept of Descriptive
a.      Definition of Descriptive
Descriptive is the essay that describes something real so that the reader can see, hear, feel, and smell what is described according to the image of the writer.[7] The descriptive paragraph allows writers to pick one element, such as a person, a room, or some place scenic, and describe what it looks like.[8]Usually, the descriptive are provided to help the writer accomplish a specific purpose. A writer may describe an event to urge someone to buy a product, take a specific action, or adopt a particular point of view. Descriptive writing  is often used in advertising.
When write a descriptive of a person, we tell what he or she looks like. When describe a place, tell what it looks like. If we describe a scene with place, we might first describe the place, and then we might also what is happening and what the people are doing.
         There are two keys to write a good descriptive. The first key is to use space order. In space order, students might describe something from top to bottom or from left to right. for example, students might describe their classroom like this: imagine that students are standing in the doorway. Writing about each part of the room in order , moving from the left side of the room around to the right side and ending at the doorway again. The second key is to use specific details.when sudents describe something , students paint a picture with words. Their  goal is to make their reader “ see “ what students have described. The way to do this is to use a lot of specific details. Specific means exact, precise. The opposite of specific is vague. The more specific students can be, the better their reader can see what students are describing.[9]
      In reading descriptive writing, be sure to follow these steps :
1.   Identify the subject of the essay ( ask yourself who or what is being descried ).
2.   Pay close attention to the writer’s choice of words.
3.      Estabilish the overall impression the writer is trying to create.
4.      Pay particular attention to the first and last paragraph.[10]
b.      The purpose of descriptive
              Descriptive is aim to describe things in accordance with what is seen  alone by the author. Object described is something that we ake with the senses,such as traffic at rush hour, colored lights on the anniversary of independence, a crowd in the market and so fourth.[11]Descriptive also aim is to paint a picture with words for the reader.[12] It means that the reader really feel about the condition which there is in the paragraph altough it only story.
c.      The characteristics of descriptive :
1)      Picture of what is and it is depicted with a lively –life.
2)      There is no consideration or opinions.[13]
C.     The concept of conclusion
a.       Definition of conclusion
Conclusion  is the last paragraph in an essay or a longer report. It is the  last bit of paper that the reader will see, so it is important for the conclusion paragraph to sum up the paper and leave the reader feeling as if the information have written is important and meaningful.[14]The conclusion that students have completed the essay. This is achieved by either writing a summary of the main points discussed in the body of the essay or by rewriting the thesis statement in different words. Then students add your final comments on the subject- food for thought. Since this is their last opportunity to make their point, students should write a strong, effective message that the reader will remember.[15]
The best way a writer can put together a great conclusion is to ask theirselves what the purpose of the essay was. Why did students write, what students wrote  and why does he feel it’s important? When students identifies what makes them essay meaningful, students can then settle on how to leave a lasting impression upon them readers.[16]
When studying and writing literature, it is very important to know how to write a conclusion. A conclusion is one of the essentials of any written matter. Hence, the writer needs to make sure that enough effort and thought is put into the conclusion.
b.      The purpose of a conclusion
              The purpose of a conclusion is to tie together, or integrate the various issues, research, etc. Convered in the body of the paper, and to make comments upon the meaning of all of it. This includes noting any implications resulting from your discussion of the topic, as well as recommendations, forecasting future trends, and the need for further research.[17]
In addition, the conclusion is the final paragraph in an essay it has three purposes, as follows :
1)      It signals the end of the essay. To do so, begin students’ conclusion with a transition signal. See transition in appendix C, pages 29/7-299.
2)      It reminds students’ readersof  their main points, which student can do in one of two ways, student can
a.       Summarize students’ subtopics.
b.      Paraphrase students’ thesis.
3)       It leaves students’ reader with students’ final thought on the topic. This is students’ opportunity to convey a strons, effective message that students’ reader will rember.
 Here are techniques that students can use to write a memorable conclusion :
a.       Make a prediction.
b.       Suggest result or consequences.
c.       Suggest a solution, make a recommendation, or call for action.
d.      Quote an authorilly on the topic.[18]

The conclusion should :
a.       Be a logical ending to what has been previously been discussed. It must pull together all of the parts of the argument and refer the reader back to the focus have outlined in the introduction and to the central topic. This gives the essay a sense of unite.
b.       Never contain any new information.
c.        Add to overall quality and impact of the essay. This is final statement about this topic : thus it can make a great impact on the reader.
c.       The content of the conclusion
The conclusion may include :
1)      A summary of the arguments presented in the body and how these relate to the essay question.
2)      A restatement of the main point of view presented in the introduction in response to the topic.
3)      The implications of this view or what might happen as a result.
d.      The structure of the conclusion
the structure of the conclusion is begin with a sentence that refers to the main subject was discussed in the body in  the essay. Make sure that  this sentence also links to the preceding paragraph, or uses words such as in conclusion to signal that these are students’ final words on the subject.
Then, may give a brief summary of the argument and identify the main reasons/ causes / factors that relate to the question student have been asked to address. If there are two or more parts to the question , be sure to include responses to each part in students’ conclusion.
Finally, it is a good idea to add a sentence or two to reinforce the thesis statement which used in the introduction. This shows the reader that have done what said would do and gives a sense of unity the essay. Generally, although a short pithy quote can sometimes be used to spice up the conclusion, the conclusion should be in own words. Try to avoid direct quotations, or reference to other sources.[19]

[1]  Sitti Harmawati. Increasing Ability in Writing Paragraph Using Formal Outline ( A case study at the fourth semester for the English study program of Tarbiyah Faculty of STAIN WATAMPONE ), A Thesis , ( Watampone : STAIN , 2009 ), P. 17
[2]  James W. Ramsay. Basic Skills For Academic Reading ( USA : Regent/Prentice Hall, 1986 ), P. 72
[3]  Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue. Writing Academic English, fourth edition ( USA : Pearson Longman, 2006 ) ,P.3-4.
[4]  Seri Sentari. The Effectiveness of Spider Web Method in Writing Paragraph at the eight class of SMP Negeri 7 WATAMPONE. A Thesis ( Watapone : STAIN, 2009 ), P. 11
[5]  Nursisto, Loc cit
[6]  Ibid, P. 23
[7]  Ibid, P. 40
[8]  Martin Rojas., Loc.cit
[9]  Ann Hogue. First Steps In Academic Writing. ( USA : Longman , 1996 ), P. 72
[10]  Kathleen T. Mcwhorter. Efficient and Flexible Reading, third edition, ( USA : Harper Collins Publishers, 1992), P. 266
[11]  Nursisto, Loc cit
[12]  Martin Rojas, Loc cit
[13]  Nursisto, Op cit, P.41
[14]  Trent Lorcher. How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph for English Class, http :// k-12/articles,2010. Accessed on Desember,25 th, 2010
[15]  Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue. Op. Cit. P.82
[16]  Cynthia Jones-Soeman. Writing an Effective conclusion for an Academic Essay, http ://www.sute 101. Com/ content/writing-an-effective-conclusion-for-an-academic-essay.2010. Accessed on Desember, 25 th, 2015
[17]  Academic Skils Centre . Writing a Conclusion , http : //www.Canberra. edu . au/Studyskils/writing/conclusion. Accessed On December, 25 th, 2010
[18]  Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Op cit, P.72
[19]  Rowena Harper. Writing a Conclusion . http : //www.Canberra. edu . au. Accessed On December, 25 th, 2015


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